Well, the tumultuous year of 2020 is finally gone. Many people couldn’t wait any longer for 2021 to arrive, but now, we are already halfway through January. Unfortunately, not much has changed with COVID-19. It is still infecting humans around the globe and killing them. However, hopefully, things will be looking up in the months to come, thanks to vaccine developments.
This pandemic has been wreaking havoc for long enough. Now is the time for everyone to come together and nip it in the bud. The novel coronavirus isn’t the only health issue employees have to deal with, though. Yes, they must take precautions to avoid becoming a casualty to it, but they also need to keep the common cold, influenza, and other sicknesses in check.
One way to accomplish the feat is by staying healthy year-round, but that can be easier said than done, but employers can encourage better employee health in 2021, which may help. There are various ways to do this, several of which will be discussed right here. Hence, interested business owners should stick around and read on to learn more.
Offer Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance
The cost of a traditional health insurance plan today is no joke. That is why many organizations don’t offer coverage to their workers. Companies that fall into such a category should consider self-funded health insurance. The plans put leaders in more control over what they spend on healthcare each year. They pay premiums just like in other cases. However, the funds are used differently.
Some of the amounts go to insurance carriers to manage the plans. Meanwhile, the rest of them are placed into a special account. Then, as employees file claims, they are deducted from there. This is a sure-fire way to encourage better employee health this year, as workers will be able to afford checkups, medicines, and hospital stays.
Get A Group Gym Membership
Many employees spend their days behind desks typing away at keyboards. If that fits your people to a tee, think about getting a group gym membership. Workers who can work out regularly without breaking the bank will be more inclined to do so. That means you will be helping them get up and be active before/after work or on weekends. Becoming more productive will benefit their bodies. It will assist employees in losing weight and fighting obesity as well as heart disease. This option can also help people mentally, as working out often alleviates stress and anxiety.
Promote Healthier Eating
Sometimes, workers have no choice but to eat out every day. They grab greasy burgers, fries, tacos, and more, which aren’t all that good for them. Bosses can combat these decisions in a couple of ways and without ruffling any feathers. First off, how about providing workers with a fridge? Then, they will be able to bring healthy meals and snacks from home.
Next up, why not order healthy lunches for team meetings? People enjoy it when employers buy them food, and they aren’t too picky about what they get when someone else is paying. Contact National Insurance Partners to get your self-funded health insurance quote today.